City Developments Limited

  CDL is indeed a household name. Established in the early sixties, it has accumulated countless accolades in the property arena, locally as well as globally. CDL is the first and only Singapore company to be on Global 100 for nine years in a row. Such recognition is by no means an easy feat, clearly underscoring its demanding conviction to providing excellent products with sustainability commitments. CDL prides itself as a socially responsible organisation. As part of its Future Value 2030 blueprint, CDLhas pledged to raise its carbon emissions intensity reduction target from 25% to 38% by 2030 against 2007 levels. CDL is synonymous to many commercial and residential properties in Singapore. The list is long; but then again, to have to need to list them would appear inappropriately redundant; and rude!  

We love to help you

With so many different and exciting new condo launches in the Singapore property market, it will not be easy for you to decide which new launch condo is suitable for your purchase. Allow us to help you assess your finances, plan your priorities and determine your best options. Thereafter, we will go and view the list of developments that you have shortlisted.

Make an appointment with us today by filling in the form and we will contact you very soon.

HOTLINE: +65 6100 2500

WHATSAPP: whatsapp-NewCondoLaunchOnline


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