Last Updated: Jun 01, 2024
The HDB Flat Portal now offers a HDB Resale Flat Listing (RFL) service.
The HDB announced the launch of a HDB Resale Flat Listing (RFL) service on 12 May 2024 to facilitate the listing and transaction of HDB resale flats in a transparent, reliable, and trusted environment. A phased approach to the launch of the RFL service was used, with a soft launch on 13 May 2024, to allow eligible flat sellers with valid Intent to Sell documents and their appointed sales representatives to become familiar with the interface and features of the RFL service. HDB would like to thank all salespersons for the support and participation in the soft launch, with the listings of their seller-clients’ flats. Over 600 listings have been added to HDB’s website as of 29 May 2024 indicating that the soft launch was well received.
a) The HDB Flat Portal now provides the opportunity for flat sellers or their appointed sales representatives to complete their resale transactions.
b) Buyers or their appointed sales representatives can now browse and analyze HDB Flat Portal listings for resale flats. It is possible for flat purchasers with a valid HDB Flat Eligibility (HFE) letter to initiate transactions with flat sellers or their appointed salespersons through the portal, which may include contacting and scheduling viewing appointments.
RFL’s listing of HDB resale flats is integrated with the HDB Flat Portal’s other information and services, including information on new BTO flats, a loan listing service (provided by HDB and six participating financial institutions), customisable financial calculators and information on HFE letters for buyers. By doing so, flat buyers will be able to view detailed information on the resale flats available for sale, as well as new flat launches currently underway and in the pipeline, and compare their housing and financing options holistically. Through the HDB Flat Portal, flat buyers with a valid HFE letter will be gradually invited to access resale listings.
As soon as a salesperson has been appointed by a buyer or seller, he or she is able to access the respective features of the RFL service to provide better service to their client. The personalised dashboard provides salespeople with a way to manage their clients’ activities, in addition to marketing their sellers’ flats or searching for suitable flats for their buyers. Clients are listed on the dashboard, along with the roles for each client. Having this knowledge will allow the real estate agent to focus on value-added services in the areas of budgeting and advising clients on the next steps of the resale process.
With the RFL service, HDB resale flats can be listed and sold in a transparent, reliable and trustworthy marketplace. The HDB Flat Portal and other features of the RFL service, such as listing and contact features, will be used solely for the sale or purchase of flats for clients.
The RFL was officially launched on 30 May 2024.
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